July 2, 2024

Lagos Faces Cholera Crisis and Unregistered Tiger Nut Drink Concerns

by on June 25, 2024 0

A wave of cholera cases has been sweeping through Lagos, causing widespread anxiety, illness, and fatalities. The Lagos State Ministry of Health has reported 579 suspected cases and 29 confirmed deaths. While cholera outbreaks are common during the rainy season, this outbreak’s suspected source is surprising—tiger nut drink, a popular local beverage known for...

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How to Prevent and Manage Hypertension: Expert Advice

by on June 15, 2024 0

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a prevalent health issue affecting millions of people globally. In Nigeria, hypertension is a significant concern due to lifestyle factors and genetic predisposition. This blog post provides expert advice on how to prevent and manage hypertension effectively. Understanding Hypertension What is Hypertension? Hypertension is a condition...

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Top 10 Nutritional Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle in Africa

by on June 14, 2024 0

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle begins with proper nutrition. In Africa, where dietary habits vary widely, adopting nutritious eating habits is crucial for overall well-being. This blog post presents the top 10 nutritional tips to help Africans lead healthier lives through better food choices and habits. 1. Eat a Variety of Foods Include a diverse...

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Combating Malaria in Africa: Prevention and Treatment Strategies

by on June 14, 2024 0

Malaria remains one of the most significant public health challenges in Africa, accounting for a substantial percentage of disease burden and mortality. Effective prevention and treatment strategies are crucial to combat this deadly disease and improve public health outcomes. This blog post explores comprehensive methods to prevent and treat malaria in Africa. Understanding Malaria...

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Improving Nutritional Health: Practical Tips and Strategies

by on June 13, 2024 0

Nutritional health is a critical component of overall well-being, and in many parts of Africa, addressing nutrition-related issues is essential for promoting a healthier population. This blog post provides practical tips and strategies to improve nutritional health across the continent, focusing on achievable actions and community-driven solutions. Understanding the Nutritional Landscape in Africa The...

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