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Journalists Denied Access to OSGF as Akume Holds Closed-Door Meeting with Labour

By on June 4, 2024 0 49 Views

The ongoing strike by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) took a dramatic turn on Monday evening when soldiers and security personnel blocked journalists from accessing the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (OSGF). The venue was hosting a crucial meeting between labour leaders and government officials, convened by Senator George Akume.

The strike, which began on Monday, has paralyzed key sectors such as power, finance, aviation, and more, bringing the country to a standstill. Despite previous failed attempts to reach an agreement, the government is under pressure to find a solution.

According to sources, the Tripartite Committee on National Minimum Wage is set to meet with labour leaders on Tuesday to explore a way forward. The meeting is seen as a last-ditch effort to resolve the impasse and end the strike.

The restriction on journalists’ access to the meeting has raised concerns about transparency and accountability. As the nation waits with bated breath for a resolution, one thing is clear: the outcome of this meeting will have far-reaching implications for the country.

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