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Father Faces Court for Alleged for defiling 8-Year-Old Daughter in Ondo

By on June 29, 2024 0 35 Views

The Ondo State Police Command has brought a 35-year-old herb seller, Taiwo Mufutau, before an Akure Family Magistrate Court on charges of defiling his 8-year-old biological daughter. Mufutau faces a single charge of rape, which violates Section 25(a) of the Ondo State Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law of 2021.

Police prosecutor Martins Olowofeso informed the court that the defendant was apprehended on June 18, 2024, following a report to the Anti-Kidnapping Unit in Alagbaka regarding his inappropriate relationship with his daughter. Olowofeso stated that Mufutau was subsequently detained for further investigation.

The charge sheet reads: “That you, Mufutau Taiwo, 35, male, on June 5, 2024, at about 4:00 PM at No. 40 Egbe-Road, Ayedun Quarters, Akure, did have carnal knowledge of your daughter, (name withheld), aged 8 years old, of the same address, and thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 25(a) of the Ondo State Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law 2021.”

Olowofeso also informed the court that Taiwo and his wife fled their home after the crime and went to Osun State to obtain a fake doctor’s report claiming that nothing had happened to the girl. However, a subsequent test conducted in Akure by the Police Investigating Officer (IPO) revealed penetration and that the girl had been bleeding for three days.

According to Olowofeso, the defendant confessed to the alleged crime during questioning by the investigating officer. Due to the nature of the offence, the defendant’s plea was not taken.

Olowofeso applied for the defendant to be remanded at the Olokuta Correctional Centre pending advice from the Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP). However, defense counsel G.O. Omoedu informed the court that his client had just been served and needed time to respond to the remand application. He requested an adjournment to prepare a reply.

In her ruling, Magistrate B.A. Alipohul ordered the defendant to be remanded in police custody and adjourned the case until July 4, 2024, for a hearing.

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