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Governor Adeleke Proposes Power Devolution to Address Economic Challenges in Nigeria

By on July 22, 2024 0 99 Views

Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State emphasized that devolving power and responsibilities to state governments is key to addressing Nigeria’s current economic crisis. Speaking at the 10th undergraduate and 6th postgraduate convocation of Adeleke University in Ede, Osun State, Governor Adeleke warned that further centralization of duties could exacerbate the economic challenges.

He encouraged the graduating students to view the current economic hardships as an opportunity for entrepreneurial growth and noted that both federal and state governments are actively engaged in discussions to find solutions.

Governor Adeleke stated, “Governments at all levels are working diligently to tackle the economic difficulties, including unemployment and hyperinflation. At National Economic Council meetings, there are ongoing efforts to explore various solutions. We believe that moving powers and responsibilities from the federal level to the states is crucial. States are better equipped to handle many issues currently managed by the federal government. Hence, embracing economic federalism is essential for fostering subnational prosperity, job creation, and enhancing local capabilities.”

In his address, Vice-Chancellor Professor Solomon Adebola announced that 976 students graduated with first degrees: 115 with first-class honors, 456 with second class (Upper Division), 379 with second class (Lower Division), and 26 with third class. Additionally, 116 students graduated from the Postgraduate College, including 33 with doctoral degrees, 2 with Master of Philosophy, 70 with master’s degrees, and 11 with postgraduate diplomas.

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